Creating a good long-term return on your money depends mainly on the wise investment as much as picking winning funds and shares. Many workers earn a lot of money but save little or nothing at all. After several years of working, you will probably discover yourself existing from paycheck to paycheck.
Therefore, this article is relevant to anyone who intends to save and invest part of his/her salary for future.
1. Stay away from bad debt(s) – Borrow what you can afford to repay
A life free from any obligations is the best living. Of course, borrowing money should never be considered an alternative option in times of financial burden. Ensure to have an objective assessment of future cash flow or any other financial necessities. Similarly, ensure to save the money you require first before making any big purchase(s). Before getting a loan to buy anything, ensure that you can afford to repay it in time. Don’t get the credit to spend on expensive commodities or lifestyle.
2. Make a Budget
Budgeting is the most important factor for anyone who has an ambition of saving some/part of his/her earnings. In your budget, ensure to get rid of all impulsive purchases and any other wealth destroying practices. A proper budget limit on your spending and increases in savings. Through budgeting and accounting of expenses, you can easily track the savings amount you have at the end of every month. An ideal savings amount for the only workers is about 6% of basic salary.
3. Smart Buying
The craziest thing a person can do is to spend his/her money on gadgets. I don’t mean that buying electronics is bad; I am saying that you should prioritize on other essential items which are useful to you. Don’t spend your money on buying status symbols such as tablets, cameras, and smartphones. You should rather impress other people with a decent character, intellect or personality than with useless status symbols. Postponing the purchase of an item for two or three weeks can be a better idea of avoiding impulsive buying. Consider that most electronics and clothes depreciate at a faster rate. I can still recall seeing a smartphone which was sold at $40. About two months later, it was sold at $25. You see how electronics depreciate faster? In this way, you could have saved $15 by just making a postponed purchase.
4. Make maximum utilization of the available resources
Instead of spending money to pay internet services, why don’t you just use the available internet in your office? I know that many call centers have computers for use by their employees. Take advantage of the available internet. Also, most call center offices have free coffee for their employees. Why don’t you save part of the money by taking coffee in your office instead of taking at home?
5. Diversify
Investing your money in various sectors or geographical area can in one way benefit you through different returns while at the same time diversify the risks associated with investments. For instance, if the stock trading of your country performs poorly, other markets can be performing better.
The above makes a conclusion on how to save and invest your money wisely. I trust that you have gained valuable information and that you will soon practice. Best wishes as you plan to make your savings and investments!
Author of this article is David Cobbins. He is an expert in stock trading and Suomikasino forecasting.