You’ve been in a relationship with the love of your life for some time now, and you want to spend the rest of your days with them. The problem you’ve got, is that you’re not sure how to pop the big question, or to even prepare for it! Here we take a look at a few golden rules and tips if you are thinking of making a marriage proposal to your loved one. Don’t just splutter out those 4 sacred words, plan ahead, be ready and put together a marriage proposal plan that will melt your partners heart and make them swoon as intended.
Know Your Partners Ring Choice
Always be prepared, and keep listening to your partner. If they have pointed out a ring that they love when out shopping, or browsing the windows of a jewellers, make a note of it, go back and buy it! If you haven’t got a clue about a ring choice, a temporary ring is fine, and you can then go back and choose an engagement ring together.
Ask for Permission
This tradition is one that is lovely and deserves to stick around for a while longer yet. If your loved ones father is still around, ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. A small gesture can go a long way to fostering strong relationships with the in-laws (which you’ll need if you’re spending the rest of your life together).
Be Calm When Proposing
Never propose in the heat of the moment, or if you’ve both had a bit of alcohol consumption that night. Our emotions and opinions can change drastically, and you want to be sure that you are both level headed and completely in the moment when proposing (and hopefully saying yes). The last thing you want is for one, or both of you, to change your mind when the hangover kicks in the next morning!
Be Prompt When Travelling
Some proposals are part of a wider holiday package. If you’ve whisked your lover away for a romantic weekend and plan to propose on the trip, don’t leave the proposal until the end of the holiday. Ask early on and that way you’ve got the rest of the trip to feel as loved up as you ever will and to start planning for the big day and your future together.
Show Commitment from the Very Start
It is no good proposing to your girlfriend if you aren’t prepared to set a date and start wedding planning right away. It can be a damp squib for a woman to be proposed to, but then told that there’s no rush to get married. State that you are willing to be heavily involved in the wedding planning too, creating your beautiful day together.
Pick the Perfect Spot
Know your partner and what it is that they like and don’t like. If they are quite shy and not into public displays of affection, they probably won’t like being proposed to in a public space where all eyes are on them. Plan carefully and specifically to your bride-to-be.
These are just a few short tips on how to propose to your loved one, ensuring that you hit the nail on the head and can start planning the rest of your lives together
Andrew Bury