The president of Green Party candidate seeks for donations fund the efforts in the state of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania on the compelling evidence on the vote counts. Jill Stein is requesting to recounting if votes. She has planned to raise an online fundraising page, which will seek donation of around multi-million dollars. She also requested to review the results of the votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. US newspapers have much to say and discuss about this.
This drive has managed to raise more than $4.5m, and the campaign is said to have enabled to file for the recounting of votes in Wisconsin on this Friday and in Pennsylvania on Monday. The norms on the fund page reads that it expected the fund to be around $7m so as to challenge the results in all these states.
Jill Stein said that she was acting this way all because the vote counts compelled her to do so. Even more the data analyst has completely indicated the sure short discrepancies in the vote count, which were released by the state authority. The whole of world newspapers is grabbing the attention of this news.
In a statement given by her, she said that these issues need to be investigated as early as possible, before the 2016 elections. She, even more quoted that we need elections, which we can completely rely upon. This news is grabbing the headlines of US newspaper. This sudden move taken by her proved to be very revolutionary in the state. The concerned group in this is urging Hillary constantly to join their noble cause. Whereas Trump was an unexpected winner of the election this year.His chances of winning in Michigan is increasing but the results are not declared yet.
Stein made it clear that they we pretended to do so, as they wanted to know about the real face of the election results. They wanted to keep a check if it was authentic or not. There are several states in the US which permits recount to the one who has succeeded on the ballot.
In Wisconsin Friday is the last day for recounting the votes. Trump wins there with a margin of 0.7%. Whereas in Pennsylvania his margin goes to 1.2%, but the deadline completely falls on Monday. In the state of Michigan the Trump’s lead has been recently, only 0.3% and the deadline is for Wednesday. According to the people involved in it, the election security is planning to deliver a report based on this which will disclose all the hidden data.
Dr. Barbara Simons, said that he is interested in verifying the vote counts. World newspaper is publishing about this since last week. This news has become quite viral all over the world.