Fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, sore throat, blisters in the mouth, on the hands and feet, numbness of the left hand… These are most common signs of infection of Coxsackie virus, the disease of dirty hands, which is rare, but it is very dangerous because it can attack the heart muscle and cause its permanent damage. It is therefore very important to recognize it on time and to seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Make sure you get in touch with us and learn everything you want to know.
A and B type
Infection with virus type A is also referred to as a disease of the fist, feet and mouth, although it can also cause conjunctivitis. On the other hand, Type B the most common type, can cause pulmonary problems, fever, abdominal pain and headache, and both of these viruses sometimes lead to meningitis, myocarditis and pericarditis.
Due to cell damage, the heart muscle is no longer able to contract, and the heart no longer sends enough blood to the body. In defense against the virus, antibodies that fight it are produced, which sometimes triggers autoimmune processes (the body begins to attack its own cells). The virus can permanently damage the heart muscle, and therefore endangers both the overall health and the future of the patient.
The infection with the Coxsackie virus is mostly manifested after unprotected “harmless” colds and manifest similar to colds and flu. Sometimes it passes without any symptoms. Most often affects children and teenagers and in most cases, passes without causing any damage. A strong immune system is essential for the defense of this disease.
In the initial phase there is weakness, drowsiness, uneasiness and weight loss, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea. Problems that follow are fever, headache, vomiting and abdominal pain, followed by performing a so-called meningeal phase of which the most important signs of headache and vomiting, hypersensitivity to light and sounds, bradycardia (slow heart rate), constipation (constipation) and disturbance of consciousness. After three to five days, all symptoms disappear and the patient recovers quickly.
How to recognize heart damage?
Symptoms that indicate that the Coxsackie virus attacked the heart are fatigue, rapid heart rate, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath and swelling of the legs. As the disease progresses, fatigue is increasing, so the patient must stop and rest even when he/ she takes only a few steps. In severe cases, there is an infarction or sudden heart failure with fatal outcome.
Diagnosis and treatment
The presence of Coxsackie virus cannot be detected by standard biochemical analysis, so in case of suspected infection, specific tests are carried out in specialized institutions. There is no medicine for this disease, and the therapy consists of treating arrhythmia, cardiac weakness, and, eventually, autoimmune processes. It is necessary to rest and strengthen the immunity, which will help the organism itself to fight with the disease.