If we decide to go for a mountain hike, then you have to prepare very well and in great detail for your trip. We must not overlook any aspect, because any small detail can turn a mountain hike from a very pleasant experience to one filled with regrets.
So, here are eight things you need to do before you set out hiking.
1. Have a Good Breakfast
Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. From it we get the energy we need for a mountain hike. A breakfast that includes cereals will ensure the optimal level of carbohydrates necessary for feeling energized. Later, on the way, in order to maintain optimum energy levels, it is best to consume moderate amounts of fruits and nuts.
2. Tell someone where you’re going
This is very important, along with telling someone and when you will get back. The mountain is full of surprises and not always good. Family and/or parents should know our route and location as accurately as possible, so if a problem arises on the road, mountain rescue can be announced and know where to look.
3. Check the Weather
Before leaving for a hike, it is absolutely necessary to consult the weather forecast. Like we said before, the mountain is full of surprises and no one wants to be in a heavy rain or a storm and not be prepared. In addition to this, it can be dangerous for our lives (landslides, floods).
4. Choose the Right Hiking Gear
The success of a good mountain hike hasa lot to do with choosing the perfect hiking gear. If you opt for a pair of shoes which is not suitable for mountain hiking, you might get a lot of leg pain that can create maximum discomfort and may disrupt your hike too early. So, depending on the mountain trail you choose, we recommend you to take specific equipments (boots, socks, pants, jacket, backpack and a pair of sunglasses). Remember that there’s going to be a lot of sweating involved, so your hiking equipment should absorb and dry perspiration, while you are left comfortable to continue the hike.
5. Refresh your Survival Skills
If you know a few simple things on survival in the mountain, it is possible that they might save your life at some point, even if it may seem unreal and strange. Before you go on a trip you should know how to make fire using only twigs and stones and what plants or fruits are good to eat or dangerous. Nobody knows what critical situation you can be confronted with in the mountain, remain without resources and be forced to make use of nature and knowledge.
6. Improve your Agility and Balance
In order to be able to jump obstacles you might encounter on the road, it is a good exercise to jump on every foot ten times. Strengthening your ankles and legs is important for easier movement and there are less chances to hurt yourself.
7. Put together a First Aid Kit
It should be more than obvious that a first aid kit should not be missing from any traveler’s luggage. And it should include the following: sunscreen cream, bandages, antimicrobial ointment, irrigation syringe for cleaning wounds, hydrocortisone cream (against allergies and insect bites), roller gauze, elastic bandages (for sprains), alcohol, pills for stomach pains.
8. Enter the Appropriate Mental State
So, we’re preparing with equipment and first aid kits, but what about mood? It would be a shame to miss on what is going on around you just because you’re not in the right mood. Tell yourself that you’re going hiking to relax, feel good and enjoy the wildness of nature. So stop and smell the roses as they say.