Is it okay for you to be stressed? No, not at all.

Stress is the primary reason behind many diseases and illnesses or mental/physical disorders. It hinders your social and private life too and affects your behavior with your friends, colleagues and family members.

It’s easier to get stressed nowadays due to erratic lifestyle, ever increasing work pressure and pressing social commitments.

But, the key to live a stress free life is in your own hands.

Let’s look at some of the changes you need to bring in to live a relaxed and healthier life. You can indeed make stress your friend.


De-stress: Do It Now

Take action now, because tomorrow never comes. If you practice the below habits today, you will see how stress-free your life will be.

  • Exercise regularly or practice Yoga: Exercising regularly or performing yoga would help you in many ways. It would reduce your stress levels, keep your mind fresh, enhance your mood and energize you throughout. Exercising increases your metabolism and keeps you healthy and fit. You can simply jog for 30 to 45 minutes every morning to reduce the stress levels. Practicing pranayama will purify your blood thereby helping to treat a range of stress-related disorders. In short: de-stress with exercise.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs: Smoking, consuming alcoholic drinks and drugs may give you temporary relief, but it would definitely affect your health in long run. These habits would have irreparable effects on your health, so much so, that you may find it difficult to even get a medical insurance for yourself. So, learn to say no to such habits even though you might feel stressed without them.
  • Improve your environment: Adding some colors to your room might transform your mood and keep your stress-levels at par. Have a house or a room makeover, get your house cleaned thoroughly or you may even change your organization habits to lead a stress-free life. Just bring some changes around you to de-stress.
  • Learn to say ‘No’ Saying yes for any official project or proposal may pile up on your plate too much. This would in turn increase your stress levels. Analyze and consider each opportunity carefully before accepting it. Say yes to only those things which you think you will be able to handle without putting your physical and mental health at risk. You can politely say “no” to things you feel would be too much at a time.
  • Get yourself a medical insurance: Life is unpredictable. Unexpected things occur at times which may destroy your hard earned finances and savings. Unmanaged stress can also lead to health problems like heart disease. The costs of healthcare has also increased tremendously on account of inflation. Getting a medical insurance will protect you and your family from the unforeseen events like serious illnesses, hospitalization that could be too expensive to sustain you financially. This would help you in living a stress free life. It is better to be prepared for inevitable or unpleasant events by getting a medical insurance rather than leading a stressed life and inviting more health-related troubles in life. Get insured, live a stress-free life!
  • Follow your hobby: A Hobby is something you would love to do. Following a hobby can keep you happy, calm and relaxed. It is a good stress-buster since you enjoy doing what you want to. Gardening, singing, playing a guitar, photography can keep you relaxed thereby reducing the stress levels.

To conclude, do whatever that can help you feel relaxed. Getting a new haircut, spending time with your family and friends and also taking care of your family by getting a medical insurance will not only make you feel contented but will also energize your stressed life.