Anyone taking a camping trip or a hike during the warmer months will have to prepare ahead of time in order to experience a fun and safe outdoor adventure. Forgetting to pack even one essential item can ruin an otherwise outstanding outdoor experience. Let’s take a look at four backpacking essentials.
Navigation Tools
Do not leave for your outdoor trip without a map, compass, GPS technology or wrist altimeter. The last thing that you want is to get lost out in the wilderness. You should also consider a topographic map with a protective case in case you are taking on more complicated terrain. These will provide you the much needed peace of mind when you are out in the middle of nowhere with nobody else around.
A Water Purifier
Be sure to bring along a camping water purifier to ensure the cleanliness of your drinking water. You can find water filters like the Seychelle camping water straw online and at outdoor retailers. It will remove the contaminants from your water through an advanced Biosafe suction technology that eliminates parasites, bacteria, odor, metals and viruses. This way no one will get sick and cause the camping outing or hiking adventure to end prematurely. This purifier comes with a carrying tube, weighs only 2 ounces and is merely 8” in length so it is easy to transport. You can even attach it to a backpack with a carabiner.
A Space Blanket
You’ll also want to bring along a “Space” blanket. The best types have tarpaulin on one side and space blanket material on the other. Most cost less than $15. It will help out on cold nights. It can also be folded with its tarpaulin side facing outwards so that it can be used as a surface for gear or food. It can even be used to transmit heat into your body as you sleep if you put the shiny side up while you sleep.
A Pot
You’d be surprised at how many people forget to bring along some simple cooking gear for their camping outing. Although it is possible to survive on cold snacks, there’s nothing like a hot meal. Pack a reliable, high quality pot so that you can make a simple soup, warm up beans, boil water and use as a makeshift bowl to eat food out of.
Don’t ruin your outdoor adventure by packing light and skimping on your gear. If you don’t bring along the items mentioned above, you run the risk of experiencing an emergency or becoming very uncomfortable. Always over prepare and take a bit more than you might need just in case the unexpected arises.