Drinking coffee is simply a normal part of a work day for many professionals, and many businesses regularly keep coffee brewing throughout the day for employees to enjoy. More than that, coffee may be provided to corporate clients, customers and others who venture into the office. There are many different ways that you can prepare and serve coffee to those in your office, and you may be looking for the best corporate coffee solution available.
The Importance of Quality
Some companies will invest in a basic coffee machine and will purchase low-quality coffee from a grocery store or even an office supply store that sells coffees, teas and other snacks for break room use. While this may be a convenient and affordable solution, it is not the best option available. The quality of coffee that you serve to your employees, clients and customers is important for a number for reasons. Employees may view the provision of superior quality coffee in the office as a perk of employment. They may eagerly look forward to visiting the break room first thing in the morning to get their cup of coffee, and this can inspire them to get to work more quickly and to get started working on their tasks. This is compared to the alternative of them stopping at a local coffee shop and lingering away from the office each day. In addition, the quality of coffee that you serve to customers and clients will impact your overall professional image. This may be one of the only beverages that is offered to your customers and clients, and you want it to express your company’s good taste and even its level of success. After all, any company could serve cheap coffee, but only established and successful companies will serve the highest quality of coffee.
A Wide Range of Flavor Options
In addition to focusing on the quality of the coffee that you provide, it is important to focus on the variety of options. When you use a coffee maker that allows you to brew a giant pot of coffee, you are assuming that everyone in the office enjoys the same flavor and strength of coffee. They may add sugar and creamer to customize it as needed, but this is the only variation that you may provide to them. The fact is that some people enjoy their coffee strong and black. Others may want a cup of decaffeinated coffee or a special flavor like French roast or hazelnut. Therefore, when you select your corporate coffee solution, take time to consider options that will allow you to provide more flavors to your employees, customers and clients.
The Right Coffee Maker
The importance of choosing the right coffee maker for your facility cannot be expressed enough. The most common option is a large coffee maker that makes a huge pot of coffee, but there are now coffee makers and espresso makers that give you the ability to make a single cup of coffee at a time. These come with different flavor options, and this means that each person could brew a single cup of coffee specifically made for him or her based on flavor and strength preferences. More than that, the coffee will be made fresh and will not have been sitting in a pot for hours. There are several of these individualized coffee makers available for you to choose from. When you are making your decision, pay attention to the different flavors of coffee that are compatible for use with the coffee maker. While cost is important, it may also be important to have features such as brew strength, cup size adjustments and more. Some of these coffee makers can even make standard coffee as well as specialty drinks like espresso. The right coffee maker will give you the ability to allow each person who visits your office to create the perfect cup of coffee based on their unique preferences.
Investing in a quality coffee machine may seem like a luxurious and unnecessary expense, but this is a purchase that can impact everything from employee morale to your professional reputation and image with your customers. With these key factors in mind, you may discover that the investment of a great coffee maker is actually rather affordable and is a cost that will quickly be recouped in countless ways. You can get started learning more about the different types of coffee makers and the different flavors of coffees that you can use with each one to find the best solution for your corporate needs.