For adventure enthusiasts who have a keen interest in hiking, camping and outdoor activities, the importance of a good night’s sleep is obvious. Sleeping bags are the sole source of comfort and relaxation by offering a good sleep. Although the decision regarding choosing a suitable sleeping bag for outdoor adventure activities might not seem to be a difficult one, the people who set out to buy one should keep the following points in mind.
The design and finish
The first thing that attracts a person to a sleeping bag is its design and finishing. People are more likely to purchase a sleeping bag that has no loose threads and has durable and sturdy zippers. In addition, a neat finishing of the product has a positive effect on the person. Modifications in the design of the bag, like presence of fabric to cover the head, as in a mummy bag has its own advantages for the user during rain, snow and windy weather conditions.
Outer material
Since outdoor activities involve extreme weather and rough terrain, it is desirable that it is made of a material that can withstand prolonged contact with water and snow, and is durable in cycles of hot and cold weather. At the same time, it should be quick to dry and reuse. A breathable and crease-proof fabric adds to the utility of a sleeping bag because it adds a lot of comfort to the user. Fabric like 320D Nylon, as used in Docooler sleeping bags are excellent for the outer shell.
Inner material
While the outer material of the sleeping bag has to be rough-and-tough, the inner fabric has to be suitable for prolonged contact with the skin without irritating it or causing rashes. It has to be dust resistant and easy to clean.
Size considerations
One major consideration for purchasing a sleeping bag for outdoor use is its size. An ideal sleeping bag should be long and broad enough to comfortably accommodate an average sized man. At the same time, the folded bag should shrink to the smallest possible size so that it can be easily carried around during the outdoor activities like climbing, hiking, camping etc. The presence of compression straps allows a great reduction in the size of the folded bag, making it fit into even the smallest bags and easy to hang on to other bags with the help of a small clip.
Additional uses
Any equipment that has multiple uses is a great asset in outdoor activities because it saves the person from the effort of carrying multiple items. A sleeping bag could also be used as a blanket when required. Some brands like Docooler sleeping bags have the provision of attaching two bags together to make a double sized sleeping bag. This provision can be a lifesaver in extreme cold.
The purchase of a sleeping bag for outdoor use should only be done after a careful consideration of the above-mentioned factors. Sleeping bags that provide comfort along with ease of use and carrying are the best for taking along on your next outdoor activity.