When building a website, you need to know which platform you will build it on. A website could be built on PHP, HTML, ASP.NET or on Content Management Systems (CMS) like Joomla, Drupai and WordPress. Most people prefer building websites on Content Management System because it allows changes or updates on the website to be made more freely and completely by yourself. There is usually no need of hiring web programmers as WordPress is really easy to use and one of the best CMS choice for your either personal or professional website or blog on the market. Established in 2003. and in that short time has been adopted by community and is now used by more than 26.4% of the top 10 million websites as of April 2016. The benefits of using WordPress for your website are numerous, but we’ll briefly mention some of the most striking ones.
It Is User Friendly And Easy To Use
You’d be surprised how WordPress is actually easy to use, and as such it’s very good choice for novice web builders. If you do not know HTML and CSS yet, no need to worry as WordPress makes the process of managing your website quite easy. There is usually no need of understanding coding basics to post content on your website, although if you are familiar with it you’ll reap much more benefits of using WordPress. Adding new pages, images, blogs or even formatting is easy and can be done quickly. It reduces the time usually spent on formatting at least in half. Again, there is usually no need of paying a programmer to start, run and post changes to your website, as with minimal skill you can do pretty much everything by yourself.
It Is Cheaper To Build
WordPress has wide variety of free and premium themes that can be used to build good and modern looking website or blog. Beginning to build a website with a theme greatly reduces the time it takes from site beign just an idea in your head to full realization. Themes or popularly called templates can be used to change the design of your website rather quickly. There is no Content Management System available today with more paid or free themes and plugins as WordPress. This makes it easier to add any feature that you want to be added to your site. You could easily add a calender, Twitter feed, Facebook feed, video or image gallery and many other useful additions to your site. Most of these plugins are usually free, or if paid – you’ll be asked for very small amount of money.
WordPress is SEO Friendly
Search Engine Optimization or popularly known as SEO, is the process of optimizing your web site for higher ranking among search results for certain terms or phrases. It’s important to say that search engines just love WordPress. This is mainly because the content in WordPress is usually well structured. Rankings of WordPress sites, therefore, is usually higher in comparison to others. WordPress platform is even recommended for use by Google, and if you are following trends in IT you’ll know how much such recommendation weights. If you are creating unique content for your website, with the appropriate keywords and quality backlinks, then your website will be ranked higher in the major search engines. The coding that is used by WordPress also makes it easy for search engines to read. Each post, page or image that is used in WordPress can have their own meta tag, keywords, title and descriptions that leads to better SEO which automatically result in better rankings for your blog or web site.
Easy Blog Incorporation
In its inception WordPress was primarily built for bloggers. Its built-in blogging capabilities are easy to integrate and provides the best choice for incorporating blog section on your website. Having an active blog which is frequently updated on your business website will drive in much more traffic than just static content. It also offers easy to set up email subscriptions and feedback for your blog in form of interactive comment section. These features are usually important for engaging with people who frequent your website and would like to further discus themes you cover in your posts.
Use of WordPress has so many advantages and is an ideal tool for managing your page or blog. Many popular websites use WordPress as CMS. Even big names such as: Tech Crunch, The New Yorker, BBC, Variety, Fortune, Times to name a few are run on WordPress platform. And if that is not recommendation big enough – its open source nature, big friendly community and great support service should encourage you to at least give it a fair chance. But if you do, I’m quite sure you’ll stick with it.