The International Tax and Investment Center (ITIC) is a Washington DC based self-governed, No-profit making corporate enterprise that offers specialist services on research, advisory and education on Tax policies, Free Trade practices and commercial guidelines to its member countries. Incepted in 1993, the American major community is focused on research based outcomes, based on its client’s inputs like current tax structure, excise and other business policies in order to formulate newest tax policies consistent with the global standard. The idea is to explore new market potential, investment friendly business environment and fair trade which are significant in the transitional and growing economical structure.
Since commencement, International Tax and Investment Center Tobacco has shared and helped a number of nations to bring forth more appealing, realistic and consistent trade policies through study, analysis and multiple workshop sessions held across the globe. The expert folks of ITIC operate in collaboration majorly with the ministries, tax departments and authorities of customs of its 85 affiliate nations and has been geared up to produce the finest business ambiance worldwide. In its major endeavor ITIC has partnered with the internationally distinguished financial enterprises like World Customer Organization, International Monetary Fund, World Bank and Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development.
The esteemed NGO group is now operating with its 12 key offices, regional operating points in major capitals and its associate companies located crisscross the globe. All its offices are prepared with expert professionals like researchers, analysts, educators apart from extremely knowledgeable consultants and its motivated workforce. ITIC offices are sited in Indonesia, Iraq, Russia, Myanmar, Kazakhstan, the US, the UK, Brazil, Azerbaijan and United Arab Emirates while some more are in the pipeline. All its regional offices and affiliate centers are having close coordination with the Key Operational points and are activated with great expertise, dedication and enterprise.
As per many republican leaders including Prime Ministers, Presidents, Finance Ministries, Planning Commission heads and Major Economists that the methodologies followed by the ITIC community people are extremely consistent and practical with the global economical requisites. Naturally, its services are gaining demand internationally while a series of countries have joined ITIC to bring reformation in tax policies and trade practices. This is going to make the investment areas impressing in the global market. The key objective behind this massive endeavor of International Tax and Investment Center is to help boost and reinforce the economical expansion rate in all non-OECD countries.
In order to make the task possible in the globalized economy it has introduced its newest method, the unique platform ‘NEUTRAL TABLE’. The platform will be operating as a special dais where business enterprises and governing bodies can share their opinions for restructuring of tax and business policies which can strengthen open trade, attract overseas investment and bring comprehensive changes in national and global economy.
Most importantly, the win-win solutions found out of the neutral table of International Tax and Investment Center Tobacco has been proved successful in all the countries that have introduced its recommended policies. Apart from the ITIC community people, the expert worldwide think that the shared understanding, trustworthiness and transparency in business atmosphere between the counties is going to bring radical improvement in the overall economy, poverty level and employment across Asia, Africa, Eurasia Latin American and Middle East countries.