Versatile area rugs are available in the market to suit your home’s décor. Bold prints and classic rugs will provide a cozy appearance to the room. Before looking for the best place to buy area rugs, you must know how to make right decision.
While choosing the area rugs, size is one of the important factors. The rug must be at least two feet shorter than walls of room. If the office floor measures 10×12 feet, rug could be 8- 9 feet wide. Before you shop for it, take the proper measurements of the room. Buying too big or small rugs is waste of money and time. Multiple sizes products are also available at online and offline stores for the convenience of homeowners.
How to Decide the Right Color for the Rugs
Choosing the right color will enhance the overall look of your room. It is not necessary that all the colors in the rug must match with the walls or flooring. However, at least one or two colors should coordinate with the room. While shopping for the product, you could carry swatches of paint. It is best to shop online to avoid any confusion. Lighter colored options will make the room look bigger and elegant. Darker colors on the other hand are suitable to provide cozy feel to the room.
If you wish to make it as the focus point of room, choose the rug having medallion at centre. Besides this, products with repetitive patterns are perfect for the rooms having fireplaces or other central points.
What is the Importance of Rug Pads?
You have to be really careful while choosing the rug pads. It is the only thing that will protect the product from slipping or sliding. It will minimize the wear and tear. Besides this, it will absorb the impact of feet. Pads made with thin polyester fabric are appropriate for rugs. A good quality adhesive is used to stick them properly with the rug. They will make sure that color of dark rug never bleeds on light carpet or floor. If you have to lay the rug over wood flooring, the pad must be made from heavier polyester.
Different types of fabrics are available to manufacture these rugs and most common of them are cotton or wool. With the increasing demands of rugs, manufacturers have brought versatility in the types of fabrics used. Rugs manufacture from synthetic fibers look brilliant with all rooms and floorings.
The entry way is the most used area and hence you need a more durable product. Make sure that the fabric you choose is simply to clean. It is best to choose the rug that is wider than the front door so that two or more people could stand on it comfortably. You could purchase the 2×4 and 3×5 feet products for this area.
While choosing the rugs for dining room, take measurements of the area covered by dining table. Usually, 8 feet wider rug is suitable for most of the tables. Make sure that when all the family members are seated, chair legs must not fall off the rugs. It will not give a really good feel.