The idea of curb appeal is that you want what prospective buyers see outside your home to give them a strong desire to see what is inside. While many of today’s home buyers are relying more and more on the internet and may have already gotten a good look at the interior of your home before they ever show up, curb appeal is still hugely important. Here are 3 ways to create great curb appeal.
- Paint
While you may love your brightly colored home, future home buyers may not. Make sure your paint color fits in with the Utah landscaping or any other neighborhood you live in. If your paint color is fine, make sure it’s not chipping or peeling. You can give your exterior a good freshening up with a good power wash and you can even give it a crisp, fresh look at minimal cost by painting the trim and shutters. You may even want to paint your front door a bold or bright color to create a warm, inviting or charming focal point, depending on the style of your home.
- Landscaping
You want to make sure that your front yard is neat, tidy, well-trimmed and well-maintained. If you have dry patches in your yard or unsightly bushes or hedges you’ve been meaning to get rid of forever, now might be the time to call in a professional landscaper to get your front yard in shape. Unless you have water bans or restrictions, now is also not the time to skimp on water. The lusher and inviting your front lawn looks, the more appealing the home sitting behind it will look.
- Clean driveway and walkways
Large, unsightly oil stains are fairly common where you park your car, but they can mar the exterior beauty of your home. A good power washing will restore your concrete to its former glory, but be sure and use a good degreaser on it first to remove all stains. If your driveway is fairly clean but just has a few stains, you can try using cat litter, corn starch, cornmeal, or baking soda to absorb the oils and possibly remove the stain before hauling out a pressure washer. Make sure walkways are also neat, tidy and stain-free.
Regardless of whether you are looking to sell your home or just want to live in a home with a nice, neat, tidy exterior, increasing the curb appeal of your home doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Even if you aren’t selling your home, one of your neighbors might be and the better your home looks, the better their home looks. After all, home buyers aren’t just evaluating the home they will be living in, they are often evaluating the entire neighborhood.