Having some experience in the garment industry can be a great step towards your financial liberty. Amazingly, garment industry does not require a lot of capital to begin and with quality sewing machine and a few other accessories, you could be set to go. There are so many ideas you could embrace and execute in this industry and these do not require a lot of money to start or advance. Below are some of the business ideas for your consideration: –
Set up your Own Small Factory
As you master your sewing skills, it will be easy to start your own small sewing business without spending so much in capital. All you need is a good sewing machine and a few fabric options which you can sew to showcase your skills. You can make your own garments and sell them either in retail or wholesale. You can actually start by sewing school uniforms for the local community.
Printing and Embroidery
These are two major processes that could add value to any garment within the industry. You could come up with some trendy designs for use on your garments and choose different patches and colors to make them exceptional. This option does not require a lot of capital to start and with a simple sewing machine and a few other supplies.
Garment Washing unit/drycleaner
All garments must be washed at some point in time and this can be a great opportunity for someone looking for a business opportunity. There are different types of garments which you can wash or choose to specialize in one direction based on demand. For example, you could think of deal with duvets or blankets or just deal with all manner of garments if you have what it takes. While beginning, you do not need the high tech washing machines but can begin small and grow with time.
Cloth Rental
If you have people involved in stage performances or theater groups in your locality, then you have a great business idea to pursue. Why? These people do require different sets of clothes which they might not afford to buy but will appreciate if given a rental option. You may need to start by buying the rental garments or invest in a sewing machine which you can use to make your own clothing. Once you have rented them out for a few weeks, you will be ready to start enjoying the profits for long. All you will need for this will be a little bit of promotion and awareness creation.
Bridal Store
People are marrying and getting married every other weekend and this can be a great business opportunity for you. You could help people save more by providing them with the garments they need for a fee. This way you’ll make money if you have the right collection and options for them to choose from.
There are many other opportunities such as crotchet knitting, designer lace making, jeans manufacturing and lingerie production. All you need to do is study your locality and see what could be more appropriate and then pursue it. If you need to buy a sewing machine, start with a cheaper one and advance with time.