Connecticut is a great place for vacation. It is inexpensive and very fun. Visitors are sure to have great time which is worthwhile because this place not only can be fun but also offers a great deal of help to Pediatric Cancer victims. Autumn would be exciting for getting family together and making a trip to Lyman Orchards Farm to pick up the apples, berries, pumpkins and peaches as very much like. The vacation in Connecticut is very family oriented.
Lyman Orchards, situated in Middlefield was laid down in 1741 and has functioned incessantly as one of the oldest business owned by a family in the US. This scenic and splendid orchard in Central Connecticut covers 1.100 acres in area and has a homestead with also a famous golf course. This orchard is often a field trip for children where they joyfully bring back their bags full of apples.
The most interesting parts of this farm are the two mazes which are the Sunflower and Corn Mazes. The Sunflower Maze is happened to be inspired from the ideas of the children who suffered cancer. A radio station in Connecticut sponsored a contest in order to fix the pattern of a maze. Those children took part in the contest and then the pattern was sent to the famous maze designer whose name was Bett Herbts. He acquired three acres of land which contained around 23,500 sunflowers and created the flowers into a maze. Hence, the maze was created in a guitar pattern.
The second one feature the Corn maze which is engraved in the contour of human faces of the late President George Washington and Barack Obama, the former president. Purpose of the creation of the Presidential maze was to tribute an honor for all the forty four Presidents which started on 5th September, 2009 with George Washington and ended on 1st of November, 2009 with the former president Barack Obama. Furthermore, in that year’s Halloween kids went disguised as their desired president while the invitation to both of the mazes included were maps, games, trivia, educational materials and also had “corn-cops” in order to prevent from getting misplaced. From each entrance fee, a dollar of payoff was sent to Medical Center of Pediatric Cancer, Hartford. A small contribution from everybody could be of help which is the best part of all.
Likewise, the Lyman Orchards cracks a lot of additional activities all the year-around. There are wagon rides, pony rides, fun-raisers by different groups, picnics and many more to offer. Furthermore, they boast a country store named The Apple Barrel and the visitors can purchase the freshly plucked harvest alongside cider, pies and other stuffs that are home-produced.
In Middlefield, the Lyman Orchards is situated at the 147 and 157 Routes Junction, Connecticut-06455. From September to October the Apple Barrel opens for 10 hours from 9am and the other time of years it opens for 9 hours.
Main Phone: 860-349-1793
Apple Barrel Fax: 860-3449-1223
Office Fax: 860-349-1434
Golf Fax: 860-349-1656
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