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Why Solo Female Travelers Choose Japan Tours

If you are planning a solo holiday to Japan, you may be wondering if going it alone is even possible. Regardless if you can speak the language or not, all Japan tours can be taken advantage of by the solo female traveler. Going on vacation to Japan alone as a female can seem a little daunting and even overwhelming. However, there are so many activities and adventures to be found, you will wonder why you had any holdups.


One of the major factors female solo travelers consider is safety. Make sure that you take personal responsibility and research the area you plan on travelling to before you leave home. The great aspect about Japan is the low crime rates and the high respect that Japanese culture places on life. Learn more about safety when you travel alone right here!

Even if it is your first excursion alone, Japan is a wonderful place to do so due to the cultural norm of abiding the law and keeping to yourself. Throughout the city you will find that most people tend to go about their business, especially on the subways and bullet trains. It is a cultural norm to avoid talking and keeping your mobile on silent so as not to disturb the peace.

If there is an emergency, the law enforcement respond quickly and efficiently. There are also security guards located at all busy malls, subway and train terminals, and busy intersections. They help to keep the peace and move along the flow of traffic while at the same time giving citizens the peace of mind. Given the fact that security guards are available, most streets throughout Japan are also well lit for an added sense of security.

Female Only Accommodation

Throughout Japan you will find there are several hotels and hostels that cater to female only guests. This can be a comfort as a female solo traveler since you do not have to worry about any potential conflict or advance from the opposite sex. There are also businesses that provide accommodation to both sexes, but designate each floor to male or females. Don’t worry, the security cards keep guests on their designated floors.

Not to mention, there are usually female only train and subway cars on all the major lines throughout Japan. These cars are dedicated to women only and offer a sense of calm to any solo female traveler. There are even female only overnight buses for travelling across Japan.

Normalcy to be Alone as a Female

Whether you are walking downtown Tokyo or travelling around Japan alone, you will notice that you are not the only woman doing so. Women can be seen eating or drinking alone at bars or restaurants and often walk or use public transit alone. It is not an uncommon occurrence and as a female solo traveler you will find that you don’t stick out by being alone.

Japanese Courtesy to Tourists

By nature, the Japanese citizens are beyond courteous to tourists. Some are even captivated by them and feel lucky to have the chance to meet a foreigner. Although it can be difficult to find an English speaker, Japanese people have a kind, helpful nature that is hard to deny. Those who are taking English in school or studying on their own, will be excited for the chance to practice as well as be helpful to a guest of their country.

From the free Wi-Fi available throughout all major cities, easy to read maps, menus that use pictures, and the friendly nature of the locals, Japan is easy to conquer even if you are a solo female traveler. If you do need assistance with ordering or directions, don’t be shy. The warm and helpful nature of Japanese people is hard to deny.

Travelling alone to Japan as a female can be an eye opening and heartwarming experience. Of course, keep your wits about you and do your research. Most of all, embrace their culture and seek out adventure and fun. Japanese people are happy to help and more than courteous to visitors. Even as a solo female traveler you will find Japan delightful and want to tour Japan again and again.