It is said that you get best help from people who can understand your situation at best. Drowning in tax debts is a frustrating and awful experience. To ensure coming out of the situation, always ensure getting in touch with a specialized firm or a professional offering quality financial assistance. Filing bankruptcy or hiring an attorney to come out of debts is not all that can help you deal with such problems easily. Only a financial expert can be your savior during bad times.
Omni Financial was established with the aim of helping businesses and people fight debt issues with ease. From expert settlements of debt issues to dealing with financially hard times better, the professional helps you with it all. What more? You can be assured of getting help that is far drawn out from the conventional theories. Founded in 1995, the company coupled with some expert tax associates with a view to assist small business entrepreneurs as well as individual tax payers with smarter solutions and ways to resolve tax liabilities. Today, Omni Finncial is one of the most reliable, striving and successful tax resolution firms in its category in the US and specializes in planning, diminishing and settling back tax liabilities.
With its corporate headquarters in USA, this privately held Specialist Financial Services Company is the ‘best suited’ community to millions of individual and commercial houses. Omni Financial is equipped with superlative standard Tax Professionals who offer great ideas and paramount solutions for State and IRS tax debt lessening and relief. The company is completely devoted and focused as a tax resolution group which concentrates in assessing, reducing and resolving government tax liabilities.
As one of the top flourishing tax resolution and financial services companies in America, the 20 years old company is fairly experienced to offer you permanent solutions to all your back tax issues. Regardless of, the type of services you are looking for; whether it’s finding ways to get-rid-of tax lien; suggestions by organizing effective long term payment plans; eliminating penalties or assisting you in framing out a plan to kick-start a unmarked ‘tomorrow’; the seasoned attorneys and licensed agents of Omni Financial are ready to help you out.
No wonder, its great financial services and solutions offered to individuals and small business tax payers throughout 50 states over the years, helping them resolve their backlog tax issues and accompanying in back to business, establishes that Omni Financial is dependable, trustworthy and a ‘friend indeed’.
Omni’s Comprehensive Services
For Businesses Enterprises
Tax Penalty / Liens; Bank Levy; State Tax Issues; Trust Fund Recovery / Penalty; Payroll Tax Related Advisory; Corporate Reformation and Restructure Plans
Designed for Individuals
Tax Penalty/ Liens; Bank Levy; State Tax Problems; Innocent Spouse Relief; Wage Garnishment
Resolutions Plans
Installment Proposals and Agreements; Offer of Settlement; Tax Appeals; Corporate Restructuring Plans; Collection Appeals
Having been rated as A+ Tax Resolution and Financial Service Providing Enterprise and the BBB Torch Award Winner 2012 for its Honesty, Commitment and Ethical business practices, Omni Financial is the all time best choice for you.