In early September, in many countries is still quite hot, and you should not be afraid of the cold snap at the end of the high season. At this time, offers plenty of opportunities to relax with the same comfort, but for a moderate, compared to the summer, the price.
In early September the last minute to buy in the shops last minute deal is much easier, even in view of the fact that many families are busy adapting children in the early school days. In this process, often involving grandparents. But many travelers, ignoring all the disadvantages associated with the beginning of the school year in the Commonwealth, sent to distant countries, and, as a rule, to the sea, which could not be visited before.
Fans of exotic’s time to go to the east coast of Thailand, which has long been unavailable due to rainy weather. Although divers by and large not very weatherproof and fear. And in Thailand, rain is always replaced by the hot sun. You can also go to Cuba and, fanned by the flavors of rum and famous cigars, where in September, too, ends with a period of bad weather. However, in both of these countries should grab an umbrella, in case of intermittent rain, which can get lost among the clouds.
Less exotic, but that does not cease to be attractive, in early September are Turkey and Greece. They are much closer to Eastern Europe, in which we are living. In these states, there are sandy beaches lapped by the warm sea and rich excursion program, impregnated with the spirit of history. Until the end of September the weather is favorable for recreation and entertainment.
If you are not tempted by an idle beach vacation, you can go to Europe, which is imbued with the flavors of various cuisines, fine wines and the famous cheese and different kinds of beer. And all this gastronomic wealth hidden among medieval castles and fortresses, small villages with tiled roofs and springs in different regions of the Czech Republic, Italy, France and Germany.
There are also several small towns, and for fans of winter driving. In early September, you can easily go to the glaciers in Soelden Austria, Zermatt in Switzerland and in France Tinem. At the same time in any of the selected states and has a fine shopping with gorgeous discount on all summer collections that we have for a long time will be respected.