Investment isn’t as hard as you think. In fact, it can be easy as pie if you know what to put your money into. Investment markets are so broad now, so where do you start? We’ve got a list of things you absolutely should be putting your money into right now.
Wearable Technology
This is going to be the next big thing. It hasn’t hit the mainstream just yet, but when it does it’ll hit in a very big way. What you want to do is invest in the businesses that make the parts, rather than the developer. The tech companies usually have a very high barrier to investment. The manufacturers and parts providers though? Not so much. That’s where the money is to be made.
With the renting market booming right now, getting some buy-to-let properties can make a great long-term investment for you. It’s best to do this through a property management company like www.directpropertynetwork.com.au/sydney. They’ll be able to guide you through the hot locations right now, and the areas with a great potential to grow.
Fabrication Technology
3D printing is just the start of things. Fabrication and manufacturing are going to change immensely over the next few decades. The next big technology for this is right around the corner, and you can be the one to invest in it. Be sure to tour the trade shows and check out all the aspiring young businesses you can help to grow.
With the rising price of gold and silver, the commodities market is hotter than ever. It’s not just precious metals you should be investing in either. Some short-term investments in basic household items and foodstuffs should net you a healthy profit in most cases.
Streaming Services
No matter what they’re providing, as long as they’re streaming data of some kind they’re in a position to become dominant in the market. There are already big players in streaming already. What hasn’t happened is the unseating that is common with new markets, when the big players are knocked off the top spot. Invest in a company that does something different but provides quality equal to their rivals.
The stock markets have come a long way since the crash a few years ago. Having a stock portfolio and a good stock broker to manage them can make you money without even having to think about it. Just put your investment in hands you can trust, and let them do the hard work.
Your Home
With the housing markets on the rise, there’s no reason you shouldn’t put a little money towards improving your home. If you intend to trade up or downsize in the immediate future, adding value to your home can give you a nice boost when you decide to sell it. Luxuries like a pool and accompanying pool house can add a lot to the market valuation.
So there you have it. The lucky number seven of investments you should be looking into right now.