Arabian horses have been esteemed for hundreds – even thousands – of years. As a horse breed, Arabians have stood out for their unique qualities and characteristics, their temperament, and their exceptional strength and build. But what do we really know about this outstanding breed? If you are planning to acquire an Arabian horse, there are some physical and other aspects you need to know about it in order to identify it as well as give it the proper care it needs.
How to Distinguish an Arabian Horse from Other Horse Breeds
First of all, you need to know exactly how to differentiate an Arabian horse from its cousins. For one, Arabian horses are distinguished by having compact, solid bodies which give them the look of speed and strength. Aside from this, Arabian horses have backs which are notably short, combined with shoulders which are somewhat sloping as well as a strong-looking hindquarter. Additionally, Arabian horses are noted for their arched, elegant necks and their noble head complete with a long, silky mane. When you look at an Arabian horse, you cannot help but note that they have a powerful presence that exudes elegance, agility, and refinement.
Distinguishing an Arabian Horse by its Size, Weight, and Colour
Compared to other horse breeds, however, Arabian horses are on the smaller side. The usual size of an Arabian horse is from 14 to 15 hands, or between 56 to 62in to the top of the horse’s shoulder. Furthermore, Arabian horses have a fine-boned feature and can weigh between 800 to a thousand pounds.
Apart from the size and weight, you should know that an Arabian horse can come with a variety of markings and colourings. As a matter of fact, Arabian horses come in many colours, from dark brown to grey, white, and more. The markings of an Arabian horse can also include white marks on the face and white stockings on the horse’s legs.
The Arabian Horse’s History
Many experts today would agree that the origin of the Arabian horse is in the Arabian desert or peninsula. These Arabian horses have been used by desert nomads for thousands of years, as far back as 3,000 B.C., and these Bedouins (as they are called) are responsible for domesticating and training the Arabian horse and making it the loyal horse we know of today. Furthermore, one contributing factor to the Arabian horse’s strength, endurance, and hardiness is its having to live and survive in the harsh and unforgiving climate in the desert for thousands of years.
Other Unique Traits and Qualities of Arabian Horses
The Arabian horse is known for other distinguishing qualities and traits as well. Apart from its noble head, the Arabian horse is known for its wide, bright and clever eyes that show a sharp understanding and seemingly take everything in at a glance. When it comes to its movement, the Arabian horse is also characterised by a kind of ‘floating’ walk or gait.
The temperament and aptitude of the Arabian horse is such that it is quick to learn, sensitive, and always alert. On the physical side, the Arabian horse also has one vertebrae or tailbone less than other horse breeds.
Since meticulous care is spent on making sure that the Arabian horse breed remains pure, it pays to learn all you can about it so you can make the right choice. And when it comes to horse breed specialists, you can get premium advice and assistance from such names as www.arabhorsesforsale.com.