What’s new page are essential for reporting about new developments about our business or industry. This page can keep our website informative and fresh with new content. With fresh content, we should be able to keep people to return to our website, because they are eager to know what’s happening. With a good What’s New page, we may experience higher traffic. This could happen when we can ensure returning traffic. What’s New Page can be made more prominent, so people would see it easily. It should be able to create greater interest among many people and they will be eager to see what’s new with our websites and business. Admittedly, people who go to What’s New page could be returning visitors, but at least we are able to maintain any new updates about our website.
However, we should know that if our content is always be changed and altered, putting all new things on the What’s New page will not be appropriate. Today, many websites constantly add new pages everyday and this is a better option. However, many company websites are more static in nature and they don’t provide anything new each day. For them, What’s New page is more appropriate. It could provide the website a fresh element and people will likely to return and get new updates. There are many things that we can add to this page. Our products and services may grow constantly, but obviously not every day or even every month. People won’t notice them easily, if we simply put new products and services in “Our Products & Services” page.
Again, if our website doesn’t change much, it is a good idea to have the What’s New page shown prominently. It should be highlighted properly, so people would immediately check what’s new on our page. We should have much easier navigation through our website. There are also other varieties of What’s New page, such as Featured pages or Popular pages. Both can be used if we occasionally add new pages to provide new updates. Whatever we do, we should make sure that users have better experience as they properly navigate through our website. It would be impractical for website users to check throughout the site for new updates.
What’s New page or anything similar can keep people satisfied with the overall ease of navigation. The page gives us the full freedom on writing what we want on the page. Whatever we write, we should make sure that we are able to attract attention. Any new features, additions and changes should be included in the page. In this case, the What’s New page can be a quick way of “getting there”. People who have just discovered our website may find new things that can interest them. If they are interested, they would be eager to return to find new changes. In this case, we should make sure that our website is really easy to use and also pleasant.