Camping can be a great experience for anyone that likes the outdoors. Tents, RVs, or cabins for lodging can all be considered camping. It just depends on your preference and how much you want to experience. Whether going with friends or your family, there are four American campground sites that you should check out at least once in your life.
If you’re planning a trip to the Hawaiian Islands, you should be sure to check out Haleakala, located on Maui. By renting a cabin and obtaining a permit in advance, you can choose from three different cabins in varying elevations. Kapalaoa and Paliku cabins are only accessible by hiking trail from the summit. There are many trees and wildlife around the campsite for the nature lovers to explore. Bring out your folding camp stool at night to watch the stars since there will be minimal to no light pollution–perfect for star gazing. This trip will help you see a side of Hawaii that very few get to realize.
For a more traditional camping experience, Yosemite has a very large campground where you can set up a tent. Running water and showers are available in some sections for your convenience. Yosemite is very accommodating with their pet policy as even horse campsites are available in some areas. If you are camping with your RV, there are spots for RV owners to park and camp. Reservations are recommended as early in the season as possible to guarantee a spot and it is going to be well worth the extra preparation.
Burlingame State Park
Located in Rhode Island, this campground is amazing during the fall months because of the changing leaves. There are several activities for the campers to partake in, such as boating in the freshwater, hiking on the beautiful trails, bike riding or swimming since there is a freshwater beach. Cats and dogs are allowed on this site, but there are a few strict policies in order to keep everyone safe. This spot is perfect for those that want to get away from the big cities and get some fresh air.
Fort Boonesborough State Park
This historic campsite was founded in 1775 by Daniel Boone. Located along the Kentucky River in the Bluegrass region of the state,this site is perfect for the country music lovers. There are many activities such as horseshoes, swimming, horseback riding, and grilling to keep everyone busy and having fun. Using a tent will be the cheapest option, but you can also stay at the available accommodations with restrooms for around $30, depending on the time of year.
There will be plenty of experiences to be had by the family in these five locations. Make sure you do your research and find out what vacation your family will enjoy the most. As you can see, these campgrounds offer many options and amenities to suit anyone’s preferences. Camping is much cheaper than renting a hotel, and you get to be closer to nature and escape the hustle and bustle of the city life.