You must be wondering why should I spend to get my website on top of Google’s search engine page. Instead of me answering it directly, just re consider for a moment, when was the last time you visited the page 2 of Google’s search result? If you haven’t visited the second page of Google’s search engine result, then don’t you think it is safe to assume that not more than 2-3 percent of people who use Google to find services and products for their needs visit the second page. Most of the needs and requirements of any user is served by google’s first page result. Also, most people prefer to change the keyword/search phase instead of going to the second page.
It is precisely the reason behind SEO managers working alongside with the continuous development and updates that Google incorporates in its algorithm. The aim of Google behind these continuous efforts is to make the search results more relevant and suitable to the needs and requirements of the user and of SEO manager is to rank their clients on the first page for the keywords and phrases related to their business.
Let us assume that when searched your website with related keywords, and it is displayed on the second page of Search engine result, then it does not matter whether your company is distributing cash for free; the traffic on your website won’t be much. The website of your company/business is like an online store for your business. If the traffic on your website is not much, it means that their are very few clients that visit your business outlet. If you intend to stay put in the competitive market, then you need to ensure that your prospective clients visit your digital store and get converted. For that, the store needs some immediate measure to ensure that it justifies its existence. This is precisely the reason why you need to indulge in SEO service.
The world of Internet is trickier than you think it to be. A lot of factors are considered before professionals decide on the authority of a domain. Domain Authority is important for the site to rank on any search engine result page. Let me break it down for you to understand. Suppose Facebook.com, Twitter.com these are domains with highest authority rating (100) out of 100 for the simple reason that the pages associated to their domains are followed and liked by more than millions of users on a daily basis. The other factors that make or break a domain’s authority are quality and quantity of the following:
- Backlinks
- Content
- Followers/Users
- Bounce rate of pages and so on.
The major reason of frustration for many SEO managers and corporate clients is that their website ranks lower than those of their competitors despite outperforming them in every way known to them. The reason for their lack in securing a better search engine rank is that they are unaware of Google’s algorithms. It is not their fault if they do not understand its working, but if they can’t even work well with the details released by official (Matt Cutts via Twitter) and unofficial (Rand Fishkin) sources, then they shouldn’t be doing SEO related work at all. So, it is beneficial to find an SEO firm that not only is capable but also keeps them updated with the changing norms and patterns of Search Engine Optimization.