We could use different types of vacuums in our house. In general, residential vacuum models are relatively lightweight and inexpensive. However, for larger houses with thicker carpets and bigger furniture, it would be necessary to have commercial vacuum models. During a home improvement projects, we could need heavy duty vacuum units for the cleanup tasks. It isn’t necessary to purchase it, but we should be able to rent it for a few days. Residential vacuums are available for less than $400 and they are able to use them for about 5 years or more. When choosing a residential vacuum model, we should make sure that it has a motor that can efficiently drive the brush.
In general, a residential vacuum is more compact and has lower suction power than a commercial and industrial unit. Depending on the model, a residential vacuum may or may not have filter bags. Both residential and commercial vacuum cleaners often have plastic body, but some commercial units have metal body to withstand more abuse and punishment. The residential unit also may not have ground fault protector. In general, a ground fault protector could ensure the overall safety when using vacuum cleaner. As an example, the vacuum could turn off safely when the cord is severed by sharp objects. Depending on the size of our house, we should consider whether it’s necessary for us to choose a commercial model.
Wet dry vacuums are appropriate for both commercial and residential use. A disposable wet dry unit usually costs less than $500, but the motor is usually not too powerful. Seals of wet dry unit degrade over time, so it is important to have frequent replacement. The life expectancy of a wet dry unit is usually about 3 years, but could still depend on how they are used. Commercial wet dry unit is appropriate for home improvement projects and floor maintenance. In this case, we should make sure that the unit is equipped with heavy duty motors and seals can be replaced.
If we want a wet dry vacuum that lasts longer, we should choose the one with replaceable seals and heavy duty motors. In this case, we could expect to use the vacuum for 10 years or longer. Its resin canister could be made of hard resin or metal. It could also be equipped with front mount squeegee, which is useful for floor cleanups. When buying a wet dry vacuum for both daily usages and cleanups after completing a home improvement project, we should choose the one with ground protection circuitry and three-pronged plug for additional safety. This type of vacuum should be useful for large-sized houses.