Our basement would require proper ventilation, if we want to be healthy part of our house. A clean and well-ventilated basement is also essential to the health of our family. Due to its location, basement can be quite damp. Mold can have negative effects on the health of our family. These tiny plants could also affect the visual appeal of our house. If left is left unchecked, small children and elderly can be affected with respiratory problems. Excessive basement dampness could also weaken the timber flooring and structure, as well as increasing the spread of rust on metal surfaces. Termite seeks a dark, humid habitat and a poorly-ventilated basement can be perfect for them.
When it comes to ventilating the basement, we can’t rely on standard windows. Due to its location, it is unlikely that we will be able to have standard-sized windows in our basement. Exhaust fan could expel humid air from inside our basement. We could draw fresh, dry air from the roof to the basement using another fan. However, we would need a funnel system that can obtain dry air from outside our house. This should reduce the overall moisture level of our house, slowing down the growth of mold, mildew and troublesome insects. Basement with stagnant air could cause us to inhale harmful pollutants. After staying for a prolonged time in the basement, we could be affected by various health issues and this could indicate a bad condition in the basement.
Mold growth is often blamed on improper home designs. Stagnant air usually traps moisture and poor ventilation could facilitate the growth mold. Exhaust fan could also expel bad gasses, pollutants and toxins that are building up in out house. A standard dehumidifier isn’t enough to reduce the moisture level in our house. The water in its bucket could still become a breeding ground for bacteria and other organisms. It is better to physically remove moisture and other nasty things out of the basement. It is important for us to understand how seasonal changes can affect moisture level in the basement.
During the summer, if there’s no air conditioning in our house, warm air would flow downstairs to the basement. This could increase the dew point and this equals to less condensation and also reduced relative humidity. When we turn on the air conditioning, the relative humidity will go down. During the winter, water condenses on walls and windows, because there’s more water in the interior air of the basement. It means that the basement will become wetter and this could certainly attract the appearance of mold.