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Can Pregnant Women Eat Basa Fish?

A quite common question that I have been asked is this: “Can pregnant women eat Basa Fish?” The very simple and quick answer is yes, just so long as it is cooked properly.

Not only can pregnant women eat Basa Fish, but they are also actively encouraged to do so because of Basa Fish’s high content of healthy Omega 3 fatty acids. Visit this link to know Basa Fish recipes. That was the short answer. Now for the longer one.

Basa Fish Is A Good Source Of Omega 3

The main reason that Basa Fish can be beneficial in pregnancy is because of its Omega 3 content. Fish oil in pregnancy is incredibly important for both the health of the mother and that of the unborn child.

A number of studies show that children of mothers who consumed fish (both before and during pregnancy as well as during breast-feeding) showed better test results on various developmental scores than those of mothers who consume little or no fish.

The oil in fatty fish is full of DHA and EPA. Both of these oils are essential for brain development and prevent from sleep apnea. By most conservative estimates pregnant women should be eating at least two servings per week of oily fish.

Basa Fish and Mercury

One danger with eating fish, however, is that it can also contain high levels of mercury. This is a deadly toxin that is harmful to brain health as well as heart health. In particular, it has been shown to damage developing brains and unborn infants exposed to high levels of this toxin may suffer damage to their brains and nervous systems.

Although mercury is toxic to everyone, babies and children are at higher risk of harm because their brains are still developing.

It is for this reason that most trusted authorities recommend that pregnant women (or those planning on becoming pregnant) avoid eating fish that are known to have high levels of mercury (such as Albacore and Swordfish) and to avoid eating too much fish.

This is where Basa Fish comes in, Basa Fish is the best protein for pregnancy because it has both high levels of the good Omega 3 acids (hooray) and low levels of the dangerous mercury which is best for women’s DNA.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, Basa Fish is among the seafood with “lowest” mercury content. The EPA also advises that Basa Fish is one of the forms of seafood that is lowest in mercury.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lists Basa Fish as containing a tiny fraction of the Methylmercury (the really bad sort) of most other fish. For example, Basa Fish is listed as containing just 0.009 parts per million (or PPM) of Methylmercury (about the same, incidentally as canned salmon). In comparison, canned light tuna has 0.128 PPM of Methylmercury.

In other words, you could eat 10 times as much Basa Fish as you could canned tuna and you would still end up with a lower dose of mercury. The other thing to keep in mind is that the mercury content of fish such as tuna fluctuates around a very wide range (in maths they call this the standard deviation or the usual gap between the average mercury content and the likely maximum). That sounds complex but what it means is that when you open a can of tuna you could be lucky and get one with almost no mercury or you could be unlucky and get one with 10 times as much mercury as you would expect. Basa Fish, on the other hand, has not only a lower base level of mercury but it also doesn’t jump around a lot.

The One Danger of Basa Fish in Pregnancy

There is still one real danger involving Basa Fish in pregnancy. That is that if Basa Fish is not properly cooked it can contain dangerous bacteria and other pathogens that could be harmful to the unborn child. That means that you must cook it properly. 

The same is true of all the fish you eat. You really need to avoid Sushi and some of life’s other pleasures when pregnant. It goes without saying that most doctors would also tell you to avoid undercooked meat (no more rare steaks) or unpasteurized milk.

The Mayo Clinic says that pregnant women should also avoid smoked fish such as lox (smoked salmon) unless it has been cooked in a hot dish such as a casserole. It suggests that fish be cooked until it reaches at least 145F (63C) right through.

So there you go. Not only can pregnant women eat Basa Fish, they should.