Mobile enterprise is general term to explain a company or large organization that supports vital business functions and use of business application via wireless mobile device.Employees use mobile devices to do any or all of below: Access mail, manage documents, manage projects, provide customer relationship management, work orders, purchase orders, conduct enterprise resource planning etc.
Mobile enterprise have different advantages such as: Portability, Availability, Sharing, Access data in context, Improve user experience, Capture data in real time, System independence, Increase field selling time, eliminated redundant activities, Geolocation, In-built camera, Decreased administrative time, Decreased sales cycle, Personal ownership of devices.
Important application for Mobile enterprise, such as:
- Improve/enhance worker productivity.
- Increase sales/revenue
- Improve customer service
- Improve competitive advantages
- Provide ease of information access
- Increase Customer retention
- Enhance portability within office and work environment
- Offer employee more flexibility
- Decrease costs
- Eliminate paperwork
Faster decision making is one another cited benefit, that’s why employees having access to real-time data at the point of action. Security is not major distress anymore, since essential information is stored on servers in highly secured data centers. The mobile devices are used as terminals for data access and updates only. Lost devices is not a problem since each therefore the data and the programs reside on the servers housed within the data centers and not on the mobile devices.
After mobile enterprise another necessary terms is “Workforce”. It’s people like people engaged in or available for work, either a locality specifically firm or country or industry. The workforce is the labor pool in employment.
New Era, a New Generation, including the acceptance of need for an extended workforce, a mobile workforce and mobile life parity with work. The lines between work and home have drastically changed, the digital divide be conquered.It is typically used to describe those working for a single company or trade, however also apply to a geographic region like a city, state, or country. Within an organization, its value can be labelled as its “Workforce in Place”. The workforce of a country includes each the employed and the unemployed.
Using workforce, we increase productivity, increase in creativity, language skills, positive reputation, fresh ideas and perspectives, wide array of service abilities. Improve business performance, staff moral with employee engagement and able to reduce insurance costs.