Clean and healthy environment is not only meant for external, but also for the interiors of the premises. It is as vital as other necessities for survival. The reason is, people spend a large part of the day inside a closed premises, and this cut-off from the natural air can cause health issues in them. Research indicates one of the main issues of increasing diseases in the world has been this particular trend of working under a closed roof where there’s a limited amount of natural air.
This gives rise to the term, “Internal Air Quality” which has been the point of discussion on commercial and industrial diaspora. Commercial cleaning has become vital for facility managers in order to keep the staff safe from common health issues. Otherwise, due to improper management of the premises, you have to deal with several different issues in future, such as:
- Complaints regarding sick building syndrome
- Tenant health complaints (nausea, allergic reactions, chronic fatigue, respiratory problems)
- Lost worker productivity, and many more
There are plenty of professional cleaning services in Toronto, and Lustre cleaning Toronto is one of the popular services in the city.
Elements of Indoor Air Quality
Adequate Air Ventilation
Distribution of air is very important for controlling the indoor air quality. Ventilation helps dilute polluted air indoors with the fresh air from the outdoors. Most property management professionals agree that you can reduce major IAQ issues with adequate air ventilation.
Acceptable Indoor Temperature and Relative Humidity
A facilities manager knows that IAQ is largely affected by temperature and humidity. You will always get complaints pertaining with thermal comfort, and it directly affects air quality. Indoor temperature and relative humidity affect the internal contaminant levels of the company. If the relative humidity is above 60%, there are chances of bacterial and fungal growth.
Controlled Airborne Contaminants
Organizations do face serious indoor air pollution issues and common contaminants include, smoke, dust, Carbon dioxide and odors. Then there are biological contaminants, such as bacteria and mold. The indoor air of your company may contain some or all of the following:
- Tobacco smoke
- Offensive smell from people, equipment and solvents
- Gaseous emission from furniture, fabric and adhesives
If there’s a construction going just outside your office, or your own office is being refurnished, make sure every member of your office staff wears breathing mask. The reason is, materials used for construction and furnishing release gases that produces dangerous pollutants.
If HVAC systems installed in your office building are improperly balanced, no matter how good the ventilation is, there will be stagnant areas in the building. To tackle this issue, you need proper air filtration.
How to Improve IAQ
Here are some tips offered by Toronto professional cleaning service:
- Keep all the systems clean and dry. In this way, you can reduce extra humidity and get away with biological contaminants.
- Keep all the ducts and slope drain pans clean to avoid pollutants
- HVAC systems should be properly balanced so that there shouldn’t be any stagnant areas inside the building.
- Use sprays and air fresheners during low traffic hours to keep the indoor space clean and fresh.