Known to be one of the toughest engineering entrance exams in India,IIT JEE is a dream goal for many aspirants who appear each year for this test to get into the esteemed institutions known as IITs.
Students are seen joining IIT JEE coaching for two year preparation and working too hard for cracking the exams. But the analogy of smart work is better than hard work applies here too, and so not just too much hard work is needed, but smart work is equally essential to crack this exam and that can be jointly done at the IIT coaching and during self study as well.
Let us see some tips how this can be done:
Well Begun is Half Done
Start your preparation for JEE as soon as the exams of class 10th get over because that is the right time as the preparation requires rigorous efforts. There is no point in waiting your time if you are clear for joining IIT JEE coaching for your preparation. It is this stage when a student faces a transformation in the level of studies and to pass through with ease from this phase you need the best coaching for IIT that you can manage to have. Weekly and daily study plan if obediently followed after class 10th exams can really help in good preparation for the exam.
Self Study is Absolutely Essential
The time spent on IIT coaching helps to build your concepts and foundation on the subjects, but equally important is that you devote a sufficient amount of time at home yourself apart from the coaching. Although it gets difficult to manage the time for self study with coaching and school, but this is how it is and you must learn to prioritize things and stick to your schedule. Even though you may be going to the best IIT in India, but unless you put in sufficient self study hours, the goal of getting a good score gets difficult.
Plan Your Preparation Like a Mission
You should be enthusiastic about preparing for JEE and joining the best coaching for IIT isn’t the only way to show it. Although it is a good first step, but you also need to build a good timetable and follow it religiously. There should be a systematic approach for studies rather than just studying random subjects and concepts in a haphazard manner. And as every mission has a mentor or a leader get a mentor for you, may be a friend, a senior, a faculty from the coaching to keep yourself motivated in this span of 2 years because there will highs and lows of the preparation that you will need to deal with strongly.
Avoid what everybody does to achieve what everybody doesn’t
Distractions like Facebook, whatsapp must be avoided for these 2 years of span now that doesn’t mean a complete ban, but you are smart enough to understand what is wrong and what is right for you. An now days even the best IIT coaching in India have Whatsapp groups to communicate with students and solve their doubts and problems and the students themselves do the same in their own study groups.
Know your Strength and Weakness and Work upon it
Every student has a hold on fewer subjects and topics among the subjects like physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. and similarly everyone has few weak points and tough concepts to deal with and understand. So work more upon solving questions about topics you are thorough with practicing previous years JEE main paper 2 drawing questions with solutions. Try learning more short methods and revise them as over the two years you may tend to forget things.
Overall the most essential thing you need to have is that spirit of studying for the exam, for yourself, and seeing it as a source of happiness and satisfaction at the end of the day after studying for some hours you should feel a step closer to your goal and that is how slowly the goal is achieved. And remember this is not the end of the world for you in any case, and don’t forget you can do it.