Prior to understanding the details of Click 4 Gap Insurance, it is important for you to have a very clear understanding of Gap Insurance. This is an insurance policy that generally makes the payment of the difference existing between car insurance payout received by an individual and the original price that an individual paid for the car on its invoice. This certainly happens in cases where cars are stolen or when an individual has an accident. An example can help you in understanding the whole thing in a better manner. Suppose that you purchased a brand new Ford Fiesta for £13,995 and a year later you met with an accident. You received £10,000 from the car insurer. In this case, your RTI Gap insurance policy will pay the remaining amount which is £3,995.
A Review of the Insurance
The insurance policy that you get from the insurance company called Click 4 Gap is known as Click 4 Gap Insurance. The company possesses more than twenty years of expertise in the field of vehicle insurance. It is an FSA registered company which has been countersigned by Red Sands, an integral part of Hollard Group. Gap insurance from this company is reliable and cheap and at the same time it serves as a sound and safe option.
What do the Interested Insurers Get?
Interested insurers get:
- The three different types of gap insurance at competitive prices. The insurance policies include Return to Value or RTV, Vehicle Replacement Insurance or VRI and Return to Invoice or RTI. All these insurance policies are available at competitive prices.
- Insurers also get the scope of saving not less than 75% online
- They get full refund in case the policy is subject to cancellations within the time span of 21 days.
- Vehicle cover is available up to £50,000
- There are eight claim limits that the insurers can choose from.
- There is a free prize draw entry
How does the Website Help?
Click 4 Gap Insurance offers an assortment of Gap Insurance policies covering the majority of requirements of car owners under its Warranty banner. The company also deals in offering extended warranties on vehicles and that too at competitive prices. The website of the company is laid out quite clearly and it can also be read very easily providing very good and useful advice on Gap insurance. The entire business is referral or repeat giving individuals the confidence of looking at purchasing the best insurance policy. Once you get Gap insurance from Click 4 Gap, you can remain assured of getting the best and the most exceptional customer service. The company is based in the UK and it takes pride in being the only Gap insurance supplier that underwrites its own policies. Thus, you can remain completely assured of the fact that you are directly dealing with an insurer in place of a specialist broker. It is only because of its genuine and dependable services that this company has been successful in ruling the industry for insurance policies for six years now.