Many Facebook pages rightfully consider generating page likes to be trivial part of social media marketing. However important this may be, it takes second place to interact with the existing fans of your page. Therefore, before you buy targeted Facebook fans to increase your page’s popularity, here are a few tips on increasing interaction with your existing fans by posting quality content. Be regular with your posts
If you want your page to be popular on Facebook, it has to be updated at least every other day. However, being regular doesn’t mean posting meaningless updates on your page. Try finding content related to the theme of your page; this will help keep your fans interested in it. If you are regular with posting interesting content, user interest in your page will increase automatically.
Avoid Posting lengthy Content
Every user’s news feed is swamped with dozens of posts from their friends and pages they have liked; the speed of scrolling down on Facebook news feed is therefore, very high. In such a scenario, you can actually ruin your quality post by elongating it unnecessarily. Always try to create precise and meaningful posts of two to three lines maximum. Choose adequate words to project your message in a concise yet effective way. Once you start doing this, the users will have a greater chance of quickly reading all your posts whenever they surf their newsfeed. Only after a post is read, it receives feedback in the form of a like or a comment. Photos can grab attention more easily
Users on Facebook are more attracted to a graphical presentation rather than a dull text message. If you are looking for greater user interaction, go for creative images with the message you need to deliver. If you use images to convey your message, it garners better response from your fans; they take interest in what you have to say as long as it is in an animated manner. Remember, engaging your fans is of paramount importance and being creative is the key to getting their attention.
Save your best for the weekends
If you come across some extremely interesting post to share with your Facebook fans and you are expecting a favorable response to it, save it for the time when most of your fans are logged in. Studies have shown that the content posted on weekends has greater reach than that posted on weekdays. During weekends, most people prefer to stay at home, spending time with their family, enjoying special meals and of course checking their Facebook accounts regularly.
Comply with the above propositions while posting on your Facebook page and you will note a visible improvement in user interaction within weeks.